25th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence Call for Papers

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The 25th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence sponsored by the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and organized by the AMS Boundary Layers and Turbulence will be held at the Centro Congressi Lingotto in Torino TO, Italy,  June 17-20, 2025. General information on hotel accommodations is available here.

Abstracts are solicited on the following topics: 

Boundary layers and turbulence theory

  • General boundary layer theory
  • Convection and clouds in the boundary layer
  • Stable and polar boundary layers
  • Beyond the textbook: unsteadiness, advection, baroclinicity, and more

Boundary layers over complex terrain

  • Urban boundary layers (including results from UIFL campaigns)
  • Flow and turbulence in and over vegetated canopies
  • Mountainous boundary layers (including results Team-X campaign)
  • Heterogeneous land surfaces

Interactions with larger scales and other processes

  • General land-atmosphere interaction studies
  • Sea-air interactions and marine boundary-layer processes
  • The interaction of ABL dynamics with chemistry and ecohydrology
  • Radiation - turbulence - clouds interactions
  • Parameterization of boundary layers in weather and climate models

Applications for critical and emerging challenges

  • Boundary-layer meteorology and wind energy
  • Boundary-layer meteorology and solar energy
  • Fire meteorology
  • Pollution and dispersion

Innovations in research methods

  • Novel approaches for numerical simulations of the ABL
  • Artificial intelligence in boundary layer studies
  • New observational techniques and measurement strategies
  • New data sets and field experiments

The deadline for abstracts is February 20, 2025. An abstract fee of $120 (payable by credit card or purchase order) is charged at the time of submission (refundable only if abstract is not accepted). The $120 abstract fee includes the submission of your abstract, the posting of your extended abstract and the uploading and recording of your presentation that will be archived on the AMS website. Authors of accepted presentations are notified via e-mail mid-March 2025. Instructions for formatting abstracts are on the AMS webpage.

All abstracts and conference presentations will be made available on the AMS website.

For additional information, please contact program chairs: Prof. Elie Bou-Zeid ([email protected]

Questions? Contact us by email ([email protected]).

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