The 27th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology is organized by the AMS Committee on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology and hosted by the American Meteorological Society. This conference will take place 18-22 August 2025, San Diego, CA and Online
The conveners for the SatMOC conference specifically welcomed papers and presentations on the following topics:
- Advances in Computer Vision for Satellite Meteorology;
- Advancing Earth System Modeling with Long-Term Earth Observation;
- Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition from Satellites;
- Comparisons of precipitation estimated with satellite;
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Justice (DEIJ) Efforts and Best Practices in Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology;
- Fifty Year History of GOES;
- GEO, including GOES-R and GeoXO: Mission presentations;
- GEO, including GOES-R and GeoXO: Science presentations;
- Ground system architectures, implementations, and overviews, including direct broadcast;
- Integrating Satellite Data Into Marine Resource Management;
- International WMO-CGMS VLab Support to the Early Warning for All Initiative: Sharing Experiences and Best Practices Among Regional Training Centres of Excellence;
- International and other environmental satellite science missions, non-NOAA;
- LEO, including NPP/JPSS and NEON: Mission presentations;
- LEO, including NPP/JPSS and NEON: Science presentations;
- NASA’s TROPICS Mission: Observing the Tropics with a Constellation of Smallsats;
- NOAA Joint Venture Partnerships project progress and outcomes;
- Optical and Radiative Properties of Clouds;
- Other topics in satellite meteorology, oceanography, and climatology;
- Other topics in satellite observations of the planetary boundary layer;
- Radio frequency interference studies and spectrum management;
- Remote Sensing of Air-Sea Interactions and Marine Boundary Layer Processes;
- Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones;
- Satellite Remote Sensing of the Polar Regions and the Cryosphere;
- Satellite-Based 3D Cloud Data and Applications for Advancing Weather and Climate Research;
- The NASA INCUS Mission: Observing Convective Updraft Dynamics and Anvil Properties and Extent;
- Training and Satellite User Preparation;
- Wildfire Observations from Satellite for Pre-fire, During-fire and Post-fire Applications;
- Year in Review: Case studies of extreme weather from 2024 and 2025 as observed from satellite
Submit Abstract
Authors of accepted presentations will be notified via e-mail by April 2025. Instructions for formatting extended abstracts will be posted on the AMS website.