11 June 2019
Registration Rates
$25 per person
The AMS Short Course: From science to solutions: How to tell local climate change stories that matter to your audience was held on 11 June 2019 preceding the 47th AMS Conference on Broadcast Meteorology/Fifth Conference on Weather Warnings and Communication in San Diego, CA.
This short course, organized in cooperation with the AMS Station Scientist Committee, began by examining the advancing science of climate change attribution, the role of oceans in the climate system, the state of renewable energy in the U.S., and the role of climate change in national security. Afternoon sessions focused on effective communication of climate science, impacts, and solutions for broadcast meteorologists in a rapidly changing media landscape, including a new tool to incorporate daily renewable electricity generation into the daily forecast.
Morning program included:
Afternoon program included:
Lunch was provided. Laptop computers were suggested for the afternoon team activities (WiFi was available). The short course was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation to George Mason University, in cooperation with Climate Central, Yale University, NASA, NOAA, and AMS. Registration was limited to the 30 AMS broadcast meteorology registrants, whose out-of-pocket course registration fees was capped at $25. Attendees will again earn an AMS CEU.
For more information, contact Susan Hassol, Climate Communication ([email protected])