Intermittent login issues are affecting some users. Our vendor is aware and is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please refer to your acceptance email or the online program for your presentation/session date and time. Typically, each author has 15 minutes for his or her presentation. Approximately 11 minutes are set aside for the presentation followed by 3 minutes for questions and answers. This leaves one minute for speaker transition.
Upload the required files:
How Will I Present?
What Will I Present?
Poster Set-up Times
Begin Setting Posters |
Formal Poster Viewing time |
Posters must be removed by |
Monday Sessions |
Monday, 12:00pm |
3:00-4:30 pm |
Tuesday, 10:45am |
Tuesday Sessions |
Tuesday, 12:00pm |
3:00-4:30pm |
Wednesday, 10:45am |
Thursday Sessions |
Thursday, 8:30am |
3:00-4:30pm |
Thursday, 6:00pm |
Have your poster printed by a large format printing company. (EX. Fedex/Kinko's)
What To Expect
Check the online program to confirm your presentation date and time
Let everyone know that you’ll be presenting on Twitter. Include the hashtag and @ametsoc handle.
Register at the Virtual Presenter Rate
Join the in-person session room via Zoom 20 minutes before the scheduled session start time
Present by:
Sharing your slides via screen share during your scheduled presentation time
Sharing your pre-recorded presentation via screen share during your scheduled presentation time OR your pre-recorded presentation will be shared by the session chair(s) or student assistant
Field questions asked by attendees in the Zoom chat feature and/or participate in discussion if time allows
Look for an email notification that a question has been asked about your abstract via asynchronous chat feature in the online program. Be sure to respond to keep the discussion going!
Watch your presentation recording in the online program (48 hours after your session ends)
By agreeing to present at an AMS Meeting, you are agreeing to have your presentation/session recorded and posted in the conference program for public viewing. Copyright of recorded presentations remains with the author(s). Permission to use figures, tables, and brief excerpts from presentations is granted provided that the source is acknowledged. Any use of material in presentations that is determined to be "fair use" under § 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act or that satisfies the conditions specified in § 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act (17 USC § 108, as revised by P.L. 94-553) does not require the permission. Republication, systematic reproduction, password sharing, posting in the electronic form on other servers, or other uses of this material, excepted by the above statement, requires written permission or a license from the author(s).
Upload Optional Supplementary Information in Presenter's Corner:
Extended Abstract
PDF Presentation Slide File
Supplementary URL
We encourage all presenters to submit supplementary information as your time to present at the meeting is limited. Posting this information online is an excellent opportunity to include more detailed information that may require more time for study than is available at the meeting. All supplementary information is available in the meeting online program within 24 hours of upload – so you can reference it before, during, and after the meeting
Tuesday 08/09/2022 6:00-7:00pm (CST)
All poster presenters have the option to upload a PDF of their poster, images and slides.