Forum on Observing the Environment from the Ground Up

Forum on Observing the Environment from the Ground Up


8–9 March, 2016 Washington, DC

Thank you for attending the Forum on Observing the Environment from the Ground Up!

The American Meteorological Society and the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology were co-sponsoring the Forum on Observing the Environment from the Ground Up that was held March 8-9 in Washington D.C. The Forum built on efforts over the past decade to develop an integrated, multi-purpose observing system focused on the conditions from the surface through the atmospheric boundary layer. The environmental observational landscape continues to evolve rapidly. Federal and local agencies, private firms, academic institutions, and the general public are increasingly taking advantage of new instrumentation, communication, and software technologies to meet their needs. The objective of the Forum was to discuss innovative observing efforts underway nationwide, prospects for taking advantage of new technologies, improving coordination among the diverse efforts throughout the environmental observing enterprise, and meeting the multiple and ever growing needs of the users of environmental information. For further information, contact Forum co-chairs John Horel ([email protected]) or Jerry Brotzge ([email protected]). 

Modified Chatham House Rule

This Forum was held under a modified Chatham House Rule: Specific remarks cannot be attributed to individuals, except where appropriate and previously approved.


The 2016 Forum on Observing the Environment from the Ground Up was organized by the AMS Nationwide Network of Networks committee and co-sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology.


Conference Registration Rates


The full-week package includes admission to all sessions, coffee breaks, and admission to the Forum Reception on Tues. evening.

The one-day package includes for one calendar day admission to all sessions, coffee breaks, and admission to the Forum Reception on Tues. evening.


Early Registration


Late Registration

Early Registration


Late Registration


Through 18 February

19 February - 7 March


Through 18 February

19 February - 7 March































General Information

The Forum reviewed efforts over the past decade to develop observing systems focused on the conditions from the surface through the atmospheric boundary layer. However, the environmental observational landscape continues to evolve rapidly. Federal and local agencies, America’s Weather Industry, academic institutions, and the general public are increasingly taking advantage of new instrumentation, communication, and software technologies to meet their needs as well as the ever growing needs of the diverse users of environmental information.


  • Recognize the commonalities among prior and current successes for creating and operating observing networks
  • Identify the opportunities and challenges facing observing networks nationwide
  • Review current best practices and approaches for fostering the integration of environmental observing networks for the benefit of the entire weather enterprise and society


Registered attendees were encouraged to participate in a number of ways prior to and during the Forum.  All registered attendees were encouraged to submit a 1-2 Powerpoint-type slide highlighting their observational-related activities.  A slide template was distributed to registered attendees by 16 February.  Submitted slides were made available to all attendees.  Finally, invited panelists from all sectors of the weather enterprise helped promote discussion on critical issues facing environmental data providers: what is working, what may need attention, and what is likely to transpire in the future. Breakout sessions and informal discussions helped facilitate exchanging information among the Forum participants.

Background Information

Attendees of the Forum may wish to review the background information available here.