Seasonal Weather Forecasting for Agriculture, Energy, and Fisheries

Seasonal Weather Forecasting for Agriculture, Energy, and Fisheries

September 15th, 2015
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Capitol Visitor Center, Room SVC 209-08

Please RSVP to [email protected] by September 11th, 2015 COB


The potential benefits of improved forecasts in the timescale of two weeks to two years are immense. They would help fisheries managers to more accurately predict the size of fish stocks, farmers to plan for the future prices of agricultural commodities, and energy companies to forecast demand for electricity and gas.

The speakers will discuss how seasonal forecasting information is currently used to support management decisions and will address the potential benefits from advances in seasonal forecasting.


Mark Brusberg, Deputy Chief Meteorologist
Office of the Chief Economist, USDA

Sarah Gaichas, Research Fishery Biologist
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA

Nick Keener, Director of Meteorology
Duke Energy Corporation


A video recording of the briefing is now available HERE.
