For those interested in submitting to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), please see the BAMS Article Types section lower on this page.
Submission Types for the Technical Journals
- Articles: Up to 7500 words, including the body text, acknowledgments, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. If a submission exceeds the word limit, the author must provide a justification for the length of the manuscript and request the Chief Editor’s approval of the overage. This request may be uploaded in a document with the "Cover Letter" item type or entered in the comment field in the submission system.
- Reviews: Synthesis of previously published literature that may address successes, failures, and limitations. Requires Review Proposal. For more information, see Review Articles.
- Comment and Reply Exchange: Comments are written in response to a published article and should be submitted within 2 years of the publication date of the original article (although the editor can waive this limit in extenuating circumstances). The author of the original article has the opportunity to write a Reply. These exchanges are published together.
- Corrigenda: The corrigendum article type is available for authors to address errors discovered in already published articles. For more information, see Corrigenda.
The following journals have submission types in addition to those listed above.
- Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems
- Earth Interactions
- Monthly Weather Review
- Weather and Forecasting
- Weather, Climate, and Society
Technical Journals
- Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems (AIES) (ISSN: 2769-7525) publishes research on the development and application of methods in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), data science, and statistics that is relevant to meteorology, atmospheric science, hydrology, climate science, and ocean sciences. Topics include development of AI/ML, statistical, and hybrid methods and their application; development and application of methods to further the physical understanding of earth system processes from AI/ML models such as explainable and physics-based AI; the use of AI/ML to emulate components of numerical weather and climate models; incorporation of AI/ML into observation and remote sensing platforms; the use of AI/ML for data assimilation and uncertainty quantification; and societal applications of AI/ML for AIES disciplines, including ethical and responsible use of AI/ML and educational research on AI/ML.
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems is fully open access.
- Lessons Learned: Short papers on insights regarding the efficacy of AI methods that apply to and are deemed significant for an entire class of earth system applications. Such insights could be derived from research results for which such methods were successful or unsuccessful, or from a meta-analysis or perspective based on existing research results. Up to 3,000 words, including the body text, acknowledgments, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. No more than 3 figures/tables.
- Perspectives: These short articles can be based on the authors’ experiences, vision, or knowledge of a given field. They can be forward-looking thought pieces or more speculative, summarizing a current problem and providing informed opinions about a proposed solution and calling for new integrative research, and/or highlighting entry points for emerging approaches and techniques. Perspectives differ from regular articles in their forward-looking focus, which can include opinions. This differs from a typical research article that focuses on the authors’ current work. Up to 5000 words but shorter contributions are encouraged. Perspectives require a proposal to the Chief Editor or may be solicited by the journal Editors.
- Earth Interactions
Earth Interactions (EI) (ISSN: 1087-3562; eISSN: 1087-3562) publishes integrative, interdisciplinary Earth Systems Science research that advances our understanding of the interactions and coupling between Earth’s physical systems and chemical and biological processes, including (but not limited to) biogeochemical cycling, biodiversity, and the multitude of human influences.
Earth Interactions is fully open access.
- Perspectives: These short articles can be based on the authors’ experiences, vision, or knowledge of a given field. They can be forward-looking thought pieces or more speculative, summarizing a current problem and providing informed opinions about a proposed solution and calling for new integrative research, and/or highlighting entry points for emerging approaches and techniques. Perspectives differ from regular articles in their forward-looking focus, which can include opinions. This differs from a typical research article that focuses on the authors’ current work. Up to 5000 words but shorter contributions are encouraged. Perspectives require a proposal to the Chief Editor or may be solicited by the journal Editors.
- Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
The Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (JAMC) (ISSN: 1558-8424; eISSN: 1558-8432) publishes applied research on meteorology and climatology. Examples of meteorological research include topics such as weather modification, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, boundary layer processes, physical meteorology, air pollution meteorology (including dispersion and chemical processes), agricultural and forest meteorology, mountain meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models. Examples of climatological research include the use of climate information in impact assessments, dynamical and statistical downscaling, seasonal climate forecast applications and verification, climate risk and vulnerability, development of climate monitoring tools, and urban and local climates.
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
The Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH) (ISSN: 0739-0572; eISSN: 1520-0426) publishes research describing instrumentation and methods used in atmospheric and oceanic research, including remote sensing instruments; measurements, validation, and data analysis techniques from satellites, aircraft, balloons, and surface-based platforms; in situ instruments, measurements, and methods for data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation and assimilation in numerical models; and information systems and algorithms.
- Journal of Climate
The Journal of Climate (JCLI) (ISSN: 0894-8755; eISSN: 1520-0442) publishes research that advances basic understanding of the dynamics and physics of the climate system on large spatial scales, including variability of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and cryosphere; past, present, and projected future changes in the climate system; and climate simulation and prediction.
- Journal of Hydrometeorology
The Journal of Hydrometeorology (JHM) (ISSN: 1525-755X; eISSN: 1525-7541) publishes research on modeling, observing, and forecasting processes related to fluxes and storage of water and energy, including interactions with the boundary layer and lower atmosphere, and processes related to precipitation, radiation, and other meteorological inputs.
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
The Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO) (ISSN: 0022-3670; eISSN: 1520-0485) publishes research related to the physics of the ocean and to processes operating at its boundaries. Observational, theoretical, and modeling studies are all welcome, especially those that focus on elucidating specific physical processes. Papers that investigate interactions with other components of the Earth system (e.g., ocean–atmosphere, physical–biological, and physical–chemical interactions) as well as studies of other fluid systems (e.g., lakes and laboratory tanks) are also invited, as long as their focus is on understanding the ocean or its role in the Earth system.
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
The Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (JAS) (ISSN: 0022-4928; eISSN: 1520-0469) publishes basic research related to the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of Earth and other planets, with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the subject.
- Monthly Weather Review
Monthly Weather Review (MWR) (ISSN: 0027-0644; eISSN: 1520-0493) publishes research relevant to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies. This research includes numerical and data assimilation techniques that apply to the atmosphere and/or ocean environments. MWR also addresses phenomena having seasonal and subseasonal time scales.
- Picture of the Month: Brief communication emphasizing imagery of weather phenomena of interest to the meteorological community.
- Annual Weather Summary: Extensive overview of, for example, an entire season of hurricane activity. A higher word count may be granted at the chief editor's discretion.
- Weather and Forecasting
Weather and Forecasting (WAF) (ISSN: 0882-8156; eISSN: 1520-0434) publishes research that is relevant to operational forecasting. This includes papers on significant weather events, forecasting techniques, forecast verification, model parameterizations, data assimilation, model ensembles, statistical postprocessing techniques, the transfer of research results to the forecasting community, and the societal use and value of forecasts. The scope of WAF includes research relevant to forecast lead times ranging from short-term “nowcasts” through seasonal time scales out to approximately two years.
- Operational Prediction System Notes: Report on changes to the suite of operational numerical models and postprocessing techniques.
- Forecaster's Forum: Opinions about forecasting problems and experiences that are of general interest to forecasters.
- Weather, Climate, and Society
Weather, Climate, and Society (WCAS) (ISSN: 1948-8327; eISSN: 1948-8335) publishes research and reviews that address economics, policy analysis, political science, history, communication, and institutional, social, health, and behavioral scholarship and research relating to weather and climate, including both climate variability and longer-term climate change. Contributions must include evidence-based analysis and substantive discussion of the interactions of weather and climate with society, taking an integrated approach, drawing on both the social and physical sciences.
Since many authors of WCAS papers are from social science disciplines, for which funding is generally more limited than in the physical sciences, the AMS Council has eliminated page charges for this journal.
- Social Science Datasets, Research Instruments, and Data Ethics: Short papers presenting new datasets of wide interest, innovative survey or other social, behavioral, and economic research instruments with wide applicability, or describing ethical aspects of data curation, collection or archival. These articles are intended to promote visibility and facilitate reuse of datasets and data collection instruments, as well as foster discussion of the ethics concerning data management and data sharing, especially when conducting human subjects research. The articles should be relevant to the scope of WCAS, must provide a detailed description of their dataset, instrument, or data ethics issue, and should explain its significance to the field. Articles describing data or data ethics are not expected to include an analysis or discussion section, however, a concise summary of statistical reliability and validity is encouraged when publishing a novel survey or other research instrument. Access to the full instrument or dataset is required. Up to 3,000 words, including body text, acknowledgments, and appendices. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. No more than 3 figures/tables.
BAMS Submission Types
Basic categories
- Articles: The main category of substantive peer-reviewed manuscripts. Authors should justify any length beyond about 4,500 words in their Proposals. The maximum length of 7,500 words (abstract and references do not count toward the length limit) is for rare and strongly justified cases, and only with the permission from the Chair of the Editorial Board. NOTE: Articles based on Proposals accepted on or after 6 February 2023 are required to include a Significance Statement.
- Essays: Based on experience, opinion, and qualitative or quantitative analysis, these peer-reviewed contributions are designated as a “Forum” within the Articles section. The maximum is 5,000 words (but shorter is much better).
- Comment and Reply Exchanges: Up to 1,500 words. Comments are peer-reviewed and make technical points about a published article. The author of the original article is given the opportunity to write a Reply. Nontechnical comments are often published as Letters to the Editor.
Other sections
In Box: Short peer-reviewed dispatches (less than 2,500 words with 4 or fewer figures and/or tables) on innovations and insights:
- “Innovations”: Describe projects, products, and ideas that are breaking new ground for our sciences and services. Quickly and broadly sketch for readers what is new and unusual about what you are doing or proposing.
- “Insights”: Explore new directions for our field, trends, markets, priorities, and accomplishments, or describe projects and products with an emphasis on what has been learned from this work (and what readers can learn). Aim to inspire by showing examples.
Choosing between Article and In Box: To achieve brevity and general interest among busy readers, In Box articles are necessarily less formal in tone and not conducive to detailed description, documentation, or analysis. These articles are meant to spark interest in further exploration. They keep readers apprised of developments and issues that are evolving in our community and science. They are peer-reviewed, but not comprehensive. Please discuss this decision with the BAMS editors at the proposal stage.
Map Room: Short discussion of interesting forecast situations and applications
Particularly targeted toward operational meteorologists as well as up-and-coming forecasters and students, this section features interesting forecast situations in relatively straightforward language. It is akin to a “map room” briefing with good visual documentation, with a discussion of models where necessary. Emphasis is primarily on concepts: lessons learned or applications of science to everyday or unusual weather scenarios.
These articles are shorter than 2,500 words; the number of figures or tables depends on content but should be relatively few. The published versions are likely to be receive minimal or no condensation by the editorial staff.
Nowcast Features: Short general-interest contributions
The “magazine within the magazine” covers developments in the atmospheric and related sciences and services. In addition to these submitted Features, you will find staff-written Nowcast content like science news reports, profiles of newsmakers, activities from AMS Local Chapters, short summaries of articles and presentations of note from AMS journals and meetings, and more.
Submitted features should similarly be simple, urgent, or important and often bring forth ideas and good work—generally one or two printed pages, so aim for less than 1,000 words and include no more than two figures (and preferably just one).
Where In Box emphasizes innovation and insights, Nowcast features cover more broadly in even briefer formats the newsworthy people, projects, and progress in our community. Nowcast answers “who’s doing what?” and “what’s going on?” in weather, water, and climate. As the news section of BAMS, Nowcast is not generally peer-reviewed, and so does not accept new analyses, findings, or technical explanations. Nonetheless, the editors may choose to conduct a peer review of a submission for a Nowcast feature.
Nowcast features might be, for example,
- Newsworthy trends and research efforts, broadly applicable methods, interesting applications, technology, noteworthy events (recent or future), and products (500–1,200 words)
- Opinion columns (500–1,200 words)
- Q-and-A with interesting people in the field
- Educational programs and ideas, often with ample illustration (500–1,200 words)
- On the Web about online pages of interest to members (generally 500 words or fewer)
Nowcast contributions do not use formal citation–reference style or include abstracts. See a recent issue of BAMS for examples.
Nowcast can also be a space for you to be creative—anything that sheds light on our sciences, our professions, our goals, or our natural world, including art and photography. Contact Matt Gillespie for specific guidelines about submitting graphics, photos, or art. For guidelines about contributions to various standing sections of Nowcast, including News and Notes, Chapters In Action, and Technology, contact Matt Gillespie or Rachel Thomas-Medwid.
Meeting Summaries: Synthesis of a recent meeting or workshop
Readers want to know what participants reported and decided, but need your meeting summary to combine these individual points into the higher level, take-away messages. State briefly the scientific context and motivation for the gathering. Do not try to cover every presentation or outline the agenda. Focus on what happened, not what was intended. The best meeting summaries read like a letter from a participant to a colleague who could not attend.
Meeting summaries are published online and must
- be uploaded to the BAMS Editorial Manager page in a format that meets all BAMS requirements.
- be less than 3,000 words, not counting title, information box, and references.
- be submitted within six months of the date of the meeting.
- provide the name of at least one participant of the meeting or workshop—not including the authors—who has read the summary and verified the accuracy of the contents prior to submission.
- follow the format of recently published summaries. Note the style of the title (convey the general topic, not simply the name of the meeting) and the “What, When, Where” information box. The information box leads with the title of the meeting.
BAMS editors will consider meeting summaries for publication in BAMS Digital Edition if they
- are 600 words or less, not counting the title and information box.
- demonstrate news value to a wider community than the people who might have attended the meeting.
- are submitted within four months of the meeting.
- contain limited special formatting (e.g., no more than a quarter of the article should be in a numbered or “bullet” listing format).
To meet this print guideline for meeting summaries, authors will find they need to focus on clearly stating the reason for the meeting and the essential take-away highlights of the meeting.
BAMS editors will determine if a meeting summary is suitable for print during the review of the meeting summary manuscript. Because print and online publication require very different levels of distillation, the editors may, upon accepting the manuscript for online publication, also invite the author to prepare an additional print version of the meeting summary (or invite the author to approve an editor-prepared print version).
In cases of high news value, BAMS editors will at times choose to prepare a short print version of the meeting summary or will contact the authors to suggest that the authors prepare such a version.
Authors may supplement their meeting summaries with documents, tables, or figures that will be published online only.
Meeting summaries are posted in AMS Early Online Releases within two weeks of acceptance and are published online in final form approximately four weeks thereafter. Print versions will be published in the next available print issue.
Sometimes authors wish to prepare special types of high-interest contributions (not fitting the above guidelines) based on a meeting. Please submit an Article or In Box proposal first if you would like to do so. These manuscripts tend to be:
- Informal overviews of a discipline or pressing challenge, with recommendations from a group of authors stemming from a workshop or meeting.
- Group statements or reports focusing on recommendations or other opinion essays or white papers. These may represent a consensus or a broad selection of diverse views formulated at a meeting or workshop.
In consultation with the editors, the authors may choose to write a fast-track report for the Meeting Summary section and also submit (possibly at a later time) a related essay or review for publication in another section of BAMS.
45 Beacon: Various topics regarding AMS and AMS membership
Short articles about issues or projects directly related to the Society or membership in the Society, including articles about the conduct of professional meetings, announcements, and various AMS programs such as the Broadcast Seal, journals, government relations, scholarships, and continuing education. For information on submitting Obituaries or content for About Our Members, contact Rachel Thomas-Medwid or Matt Gillespie.
Readings: Discussion of books and publishing
Interviews and essays about books or publishing or reviews (by invitation); also book excerpts and excerpts from texts in other media. Contact Rachel Thomas-Medwid.
Synoptics: We welcome readers’ submissions for our photo feature showing AMS community members in action. Submit as a JPG or TIF with an explanatory caption and identifying information for individual(s) featured to Rachel Thomas-Medwid.
Letters to the Editor: Topics of concern for AMS members
Letters to the Editor (500 words or less) are encouraged. They can be submitted through the BAMS Editorial Manager page or by e-mail at [email protected]. Please include your complete contact information.