Authors who originally submitted their article on or before 31 August 2021 and are using the AMS LaTeX Template v5.0 in the legacy format can use many of the troubleshooting tips listed below if encountering difficulty, but should also reference the Legacy Manuscript and Formatting Components for additional resources and information specific to the previous template.
Internet searches are a great resource for understanding the meaning of errors that appear in the .log file displayed by the upload system when Editorial Manager fails to build a PDF for your manuscript.
- My PDF compiles, but all the figures or tables are missing.
- Make sure that EM’s item type for all figures is set to “Rendered Figure.”
- Remove all directory paths to figure files (including the current directory “./”) in your .tex file.
- My PDF compiles, but some figures are missing.
- Check that all figure files are uploaded and that the file names match the names in the .tex file.
- If the missing figures are .eps files, please try converting them to .pdf files and replacing the .eps figures with the .pdf versions in your .tex file. The .eps files should automatically convert to .pdf files during the pdfLaTeX compilation in EM, but issues in some problematic .eps files can cause problems in the conversion process.
- Check your list of uploaded files and ensure that you have not uploaded a PDF file of your paper. If a PDF was uploaded, remove it, as it will duplicate the manuscript produced by EM.
- My PDF compiles, but the references are not showing up.
- You need to upload your .bib file.
- You need to upload ametsocV6.bst.
- Remove all directory paths to bibliography files (including the current directory “./”).
- Do not include the file extension (.bst and .bib) in the file name when using the \bibliographystyle and \bibliography commands in your .tex file.
- Check your list of uploaded files and ensure that you have not uploaded a PDF file of your paper. If a PDF was uploaded, remove it, as it will duplicate the manuscript produced by EM.
- Instead of a PDF, my submission shows the log file.
- Scan the log file for any obvious errors that may point to the problem, e.g.:
! LaTeX Error: Unknown float option `c'.
l.1 \begin{figure*}[ct]
Option `c' ignored and `p' used.
(This error was produced because “c” is not a valid float option and should be removed.)! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \linenumbers
l.13 \linenumbers
(A linenumber command or style file is missing, e.g., \usepackage{lineno}.)! Package pdftex.def Error: File `figure01.pdf' not found.
(Figure file was not uploaded to EM or was uploaded with a name that is different than what is in the .tex file.)! Package pdftex.def Error: File `./figures/figure01.pdf' not found.
(Figure file cannot be found because of directory commands before figure name.)! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
(This is a common but vague error. Check text following the error in the .log file for clues as to where the problem is.)! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \degree
(This error was produced because of an undefined command.)! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension:
(This error was produced because of periods within the figure file name, causing LaTeX to read anything after the first period as the file extension.)! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character - (U+96)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX.
(This error was produced because an undefined Unicode character was included in either the .tex or .bib file. The .log file will point you to where the undefined character is located. Problematic characters need to be replaced or defined using \DeclareUnicodeCharacter.)The text around these error messages will usually indicate the problem, such as a \linenumbers command that cannot be read until the ametsocV6.1.cls file is uploaded, a syntax error in a specific line, or a missing figure file (or files still called by a directory path in the .tex file).
- Check for extra spaces at the beginnings of the top few lines of the file. Errors can sometimes occur if the text does not begin precisely at the left margin.
- Scan the log file for any obvious errors that may point to the problem, e.g.:
Please visit our LaTeX Frequently Asked Questions page for more help building a manuscript from our template files.