Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

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The Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (JAMC) (ISSN: 1558-8424; eISSN: 1558-8432) publishes applied research on meteorology and climatology. Examples of meteorological research include topics such as weather modification, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, boundary layer processes, physical meteorology, air pollution meteorology (including dispersion and chemical processes), agricultural and forest meteorology, mountain meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models. Examples of climatological research include the use of climate information in impact assessments, dynamical and statistical downscaling, seasonal climate forecast applications and verification, climate risk and vulnerability, development of climate monitoring tools, and urban and local climates.

2023 Impact Factor: 2.61

Submission Types

  • Articles: Up to 7500 words, including the body text, acknowledgments, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. If a submission exceeds the word limit, the author must provide a justification for the length of the manuscript and request the Chief Editor’s approval of the overage. This request may be uploaded in a document with the "Cover Letter" item type or entered in the comment field in the submission system.
  • Reviews: Synthesis of previously published literature that may address successes, failures, and limitations. Requires Review Proposal. For more information, see Review Articles.
  • Comment and Reply Exchange: Comments are written in response to a published article and should be submitted within 2 years of the publication date of the original article (although the editor can waive this limit in extenuating circumstances). The author of the original article has the opportunity to write a Reply. These exchanges are published together. 
  • Corrigenda: The corrigendum article type is available for authors to address errors discovered in already published articles. For more information, see Corrigenda.

Editors and Staff Contacts

Chief Editor

Steve (Qi) Hu, University of Nebraska–Lincoln


Victor Gensini, Northern Illinois University

April Hiscox, University of South Carolina

Pavlos Kollias, Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory

John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M University

Dev Niyogi, Purdue University and University of Texas at Austin

Steven Quiring, The Ohio State University

Matthew Van Den Broeke, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Lulin Xue, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Associate Editors

Noel Aloysius, University of Missouri

Malarvizhi Arulraj, University of Maryland at College Park

Yognath Aryal, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

Sean Bailey, University of Kentucky

Mike Baldwin, CIWRO, University of Oklahoma and NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Bradford Barrett, Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Raleigh NC

Sudheer R. Bhimireddy, CIRES University of Colorado Boulder and NOAA Global Systems Laboratory

David Bodine, University of Oklahoma

Zuohao Cao, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Franco Catalano, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)

William Cheng, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Gert-Jan Duine, University of California Santa Barbara

Trude Eidhammer, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Dinali Nelun Fernando, Texas Water Development Board

Katja Friedrich, University of Colorado

Cenlin He, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Scott Landolt, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Cameron Lee, Kent State University

Zhi Li, Stanford University

Anthony Lyza, NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory

Shawn Milrad, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Craig Ramseyer, Virginia Tech

Scott Robeson, Indiana University Bloomington

Sergio Vicente-Serrano, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Tiantian Yang, University of Oklahoma

Xiang Zhang, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Shiyuan Zhong, Michigan State University

Peer Review Support Staff

Erin Gumbel, Assistant to Steve (Qi) Hu

Aylin Arruda, Assistant to Steven Quiring and Matthew Van Den Broeke

Cristina Barletta, Assistant to Lulin Xue

Hayley Charney, Assistant to Pavlos Kollias and Dev Niyogi

Jane Foley, Assistant to April Hiscox and John Nielsen-Gammon

Robbie Matlock, Assistant to Victor Gensini

Production Staff

Please see the AMS Publications Staff contacts page for Production staff information.

1 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Meteorology and Atmospheric Science category.