Updating your Chapter Directory Listing

Reporting election results is a requirement for Local Chapters. Because communication from AMS Headquarters is emailed to the officer information listed in the directory, it is crucial that chapters update their directory listing when elections have been held or when contact information has changed.

Chapters are encouraged to hold elections in the spring and election results must be reported by June 1st each year. Chapters will be considered inactive if the reporting of officers has not been made for two or more years. Chapters inactive for two or more years will be dropped from the Chapter Directory.

Please update your last election date even if your officers were reappointed. If there are other address/email changes throughout the year, please update your listing. This will ensure that your chapter remains active in our files and that you receive all emails/mailings from Headquarters.

The primary contact for each chapter has been invited to create an account at our new Local Chapter Directory site. If your chapter has not received an invitation, or if you are unsure of who your chapter's current primary contact is, please use the form below to reach out to us. 

Please keep in mind that the chapter president/chairperson is required to be a member (Associate, Member, Student) of the Society. If the chapter president/chairperson is not a member or pending member of the Society, the chapter will not be recognized as being active. The AMS now offers tiered membership dues, and you can apply for AMS membership online.

Contact Form