Undergraduate Student Resources

AMS Chapter Information
AMS Senior Named Scholarships

American Meteorological Society (AMS) members sponsor scholarships each year to support the education of outstanding undergraduate students entering their final year of study. 21 Senior Scholarship awards ranging from $2000 to $10,000 are available for the 2025 year. 

Notifications will go out June 2025.

AMS Freshman Undergraduate Scholarship

The American Meteorological Society is pleased to announce the AMS Freshman Undergraduate Scholarship program, open to all high school students and designed to encourage study in the atmospheric and related sciences. Serving as a unique example of various sectors of our field joining together to support young, talented minds, the scholarships are being sponsored by partners in industry, as well as through named scholarships either established by an AMS member or in memory of someone.

Notifications will go out in May 2025.

The Father James B. Macelwane Annual Award in Meteorology

The Father James B. Macelwane Annual Award was established by the American Meteorological Society to honor the late Rev. James B. Macelwane, S.J., a world renowned authority of seismology, who was a geophysicist and Dean of the Institute of Technology, Saint Louis University, until his death in 1956.  The recipient of the Father James B. Macelwane award will receive a stipend of $1000 supported by member donations to the AMS Annual Program.

The evaluation of papers occurs during the summer.  Announcement of the award recipient will be made August of 2025.

NOAA Undergraduate Scholarships

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Education is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology, and supportive of the purposes of NOAA’s programs and mission. Over 100 students are selected each year for participation in the Ernest F. Hollings (Hollings) and Educational Partnership Program (EPP) with Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) undergraduate scholarship programs. These scholarships include support for two years of undergraduate study and summer internship opportunities at NOAA facilities across the country.

Pathways to Science Undergraduate Opportunities

A searchable database of 650+ summer research programs in all STEM disciplines. These are all fully funded opportunities including programs sponsored by NSF, NASA, NIH, etc. There is also a selection of resources to help you strengthen your applications.

College Selection: Listing of Schools in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences
Financial Aid Opportunities for Minority Students (Bestcolleges.com)
AMS Career Center
AMS Statement: Bachelor's Degree in Atmospheric Science
Private Sector Mentorship Program

The AMS Board for Private Sector Meteorologists has designed this mentorship program to create and foster one-on-one personal interactions between mentors employed in the private sector and students interested in working in the private sector tailored to the needs of each individual to enhance their understanding of opportunities and professional growth potential in the private sector of the weather and climate professional enterprise. 

AMS Intern Board

This area was constructed to help connect our members with new internship opportunities. Use the links below to guide you as you begin your internship search. Recruiters: You now have access to a pool of candidates searching for internships in the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences.

Careers: NOAA Careers
Scholarships: AMS Scholarships and Fellowships
Scholarships: Ventures Scholars Program
Careers: A Career Guide for the Atmospheric Sciences
Careers: Occupational Outlook Handbook Atmospheric Scientists, Including Meteorologists
AMS Bookstore
Membership Information