Hybrid Experience

If you plan on attending in-person, please be sure to visit our Health and Wellness and Location and Accommodations pages to prepare for your trip. All participants will be required to agree to the AMS Commitment to Care Policy and Waiver, before completing their registration.

Registered attendees will be sent an email each day containing the session Zoom link(s). Attendees are encouraged to join the Zoom Meeting a few minutes before the session’s scheduled start time.

Recorded sessions will be available at the session level on the AMS YouTube channel 3 months after the conference concludes.

The AMS 2024 Washington Forum will be held under a modified version of the Chatham House Rule, which will be strictly enforced:

Participants are free to use the information received at the AMS Washington Forum, but attribution of remarks of speakers (including but not limited to keynotes, moderators, panelists and attendees) by other people is not permitted. It is at the discretion of the individual outside of the virtual forum if they wish to be quoted.

The Chatham House Rule originated at Chatham House with the aim of providing anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and the sharing of information. It is now used throughout the world as an aid to free discussion. Meetings do not have to take place at Chatham House, or be organized by Chatham House, to be held under the Rule.

More information on the Chatham House can be found here: www.chathamhouse.org


To Prepare for your Zoom Session: 

  • Choose an uncluttered location inside that is quiet, and free from interruptions.
  • Ensure you have a strong and secure Wi-Fi connection
  • Ensure your Zoom application is up-to-date
  • Before joining the live session, close all unnecessary applications so all processing power can maximize the quality of your Zoom experience. 
  • Turn off all sound notifications (on your computer/ cell phone/ tablet, etc.) to avoid any audio or visual disruptions.
  • Pay attention to the lighting in the room. Too much light behind you will make you appear like a dark figure. Make sure you have a good source of light in front of you.
  • Test your microphone and computer audio before the meeting. If you are using a headset with a built-in microphone, be sure to test this well in advance of the meeting. Be conscious of any external noise close to your microphone, such as your hair or rustling papers.