Volunteer students are needed for registration and audio/visual support during the conference. Student volunteers are required to be in attendance the entire conference, and be available to work full day each day from Sunday through Friday. For volunteering, the student will get their registration fee waived and $25.00 per day for food allowance. This program is a first come, first served basis. A limited number of students will be needed for the conference. Interested students please contact Cati Iannarilli at [email protected] for details.
To apply for the registration grant, students should submit a brief written statement (up to 1 page) describing their financial need or circumstance and how they will benefit from attending the AMS radar conference. Undergraduate students are particularly encouraged to apply. Please note that this grant allows students to attend virtually at no cost. Applications can be submitted to David Bodine ([email protected]) or Jim Kurdzo ([email protected]) and are due by June 15, 2023. We will notify the registration grant recipients by July 1, 2023.
The Spiros G. Geotis Student Prize is awarded for the best student paper presented at each technical conference on radar meteorology. The paper will be judged on content and presentation by a panel selected by the conference program committee. Entrants must be currently enrolled in high school, college, or graduate school. Students who have completed a degree but have not begun regular employment at the time of the conference are also eligible. The prize, an AMS reference book, $200, plus a certificate, was established to recognize Spiros G. Geotis' lifelong contributions to radar meteorology and the encouragement he gave to so many young researchers.
Award certificates and cash prizes will be given for the best student presentations. Awards will be given for the top 3 oral presentations ($150 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, and $50 for 3rd) and top 3 poster presentations ($150 for 1st, $100 for 2nd, and $50 for 3rd). When registering, students should select the option to participate in the student award competitions to ensure eligibility.
AMS funds non-presenting students to attend AMS meetings. Please visit the Student Travel Grant Page for more information and to apply. . The deadline is June 30, 2023.