As a scientific and professional organization whose members are keenly aware of environmental issues, The AMS strives to be in the forefront of environmental stewardship. As atmospheric scientists, we are particularly concerned about rapidly increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and associated climate change. The following reports summarize the AMS’s commitment to conducting conferences in a manner that stresses responsible use of natural resources and minimization of greenhouse gas emissions and other waste and pollutants. These guidelines are provided for coordinators, committees, contractors and all AMS members, and aim to educate and inspire continued mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions both within AMS and the larger society. These guidelines should be continually evaluated as technologies and mitigation options continue to develop.
Reports, Guidelines and Initiatives
Click here to view the AMS 2023 103rd Annual Meeting Sustainability Event Report, prepared by MeetGreen, a sustainable event management agency. This report details the sustainable practices that AMS engaged in for all activities relating to the 103rd Annual Meeting 8-12 January 2023 in Denver, CO. The report also highlights the sustainable practices of the local area, vendors and venues as well as areas for improvement.
Click here to view the AMS External Green Meetings Initiatives, prepared by MeetGreen. This document details the initiates that meeting attendees can implement when traveling and attending an AMS meeting such as taking public transit to a venue or consuming one plant based menu item.
Click here to view the AMS Internal Green Meetings Guidelines, prepared by MeetGreen. This document outlines the guidelines that AMS Meetings will refer to during the different stages of meeting planning. The guidelines include donating leftover food and supplies to local organizations, prioritizing venues that have strong sustainability practices as well as certifications and shifting towards digital signage.