Weather, Water and Climate Day on Capitol Hill

Weather, Water and Climate Day on Capitol Hill

May 22-23, 2018

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Policy Program seeks member volunteers with relevant expertise for a Congressional Visit Day (CVD) focused on weather, water and climate. Participants for the CVD will be selected based on area of expertise, geographic location of residence, and future potential to contribute to the federal policy process, among other factors.

The purposes of this event are 1) to give scientists an opportunity to learn about congress, 2) to build relationships between scientists and Congressional offices, and 3) to help ensure that Members of Congress and their staff have access to the best available scientific information relating to weather, water and climate. This AMS Policy Program event is non-partisan. Information provided to Congressional offices will be policy relevant but not policy prescriptive.

A mandatory training session will take place on Tuesday afternoon, May 22, beginning approximately at 12:00 pm. The training will be held at the AAAS Building located at 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC. The Hill meetings will take place Wednesday, May 23 from about 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with exact schedules to be provided just prior to the event.

Participation in Congressional Visit Day is a great opportunity for experts in our community to interact directly with Congressional members and staff. It is an invaluable experience for those who would like to learn more about and have greater involvement in the policy arena.


Applicants should submit their name, contact information, and a short biograpy (no more than 200 words) to Kenza Sidi-Ali-Cherif at [email protected]. The application deadline is April 27, 2017.

AMS is not able to provide financial support for travel and lodging expenses for this event.

Please contact Kenza Sidi-Ali-Cherif at [email protected].


To ensure your day on Capitol Hill is worthwhile, please keep these tips in mind:

  • CVDs are informational and relationship building events. Messages may be policy relevant but must not be policy prescriptive.
  • Participants in CVDs do not speak on behalf of AMS. They speak on behalf of themselves and/or their employing institutions. Please be clear with those you meet with that opinions and views expressed are those of the individual and not of AMS.
  • The materials provided by AMS are designed to help you create your message, but you are not required to deliver any particular message. Brainstorm your main message. For instance, what important science research occurs in your representative’s district? How does the research support public safety? Why is federal funding important for innovation and job creation, and what can Congress do to help? Remember: keep it simple, and to the point.
  • Do your homework. Research your Representative and Senators. Check out their websites for more information on the issues and agenda items most important to them. This will help you form your main message during your meeting.
  • The training on the first day of CVD is mandatory. You will learn the guidelines for the event and work on your message. You will also meet the scientists who will be attending visits with you and network with other participants.