AMS Meeting Opportunities for Students

AMS Meeting Opportunities for Students

If you’re a student interested in and or currently studying the field of weather, water, and climate, attending an AMS meeting is an essential and important step in your career path.

  • Expand your knowledge.
  • Improve your research opportunities.
  • Share your own ideas.
  • Connect with experts.
  • Grow personally and professionally.

AMS wants to help you attend our meetings – we offer several support opportunities to make this possible:

Specialty Meeting Travel Grants

Specialty Meeting Student Travel Grants are available for students interested in attending an AMS Specialty Meeting that they are not presenting at. AMS recognizes the considerable benefit that students can gain from attending conferences when they are not presenting a paper. We want to encourage interactions between students and other conference attendees. 

Annual Meeting Travel Grants

AMS Annual Meeting Student Travel Grants afford an outstanding opportunity for students interested in attending the world’s largest yearly gathering for the weather, water, and climate community each year. AMS wants to encourage interactions among students, their peers, and professionals in the field. These virtual travel grants are intended for students who are not presenting at the meeting.

Student Awards

Specialty conferences and the AMS Annual Meeting also offer travel grants, and many also award certificates and cash prizes for the best student oral and poster presentations at the conference. Browse the upcoming meetings page to see which meetings offer opportunities to win awards.

Past Meeting Student Awardees

Student Volunteering

Volunteer opportunities are available for students during most AMS meetings, including the AMS Annual meeting. Being a student assistant is fun and educationally rewarding, but it is also a demanding job! Browse the upcoming meetings page to see which meetings are looking for student volunteers.