Welcome to AMS Soundings, a new monthly email from the American Meteorological Society.

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Welcome to AMS Soundings!
AMS Soundings is a new monthly email that we’ll be sending out to our members and friends. Each edition will include news updates, profiles, awards, special articles, important dates, and other information about all that’s going on with AMS, our work, and our community. We hope you enjoy this new AMS feature.   

book coversAMS is pleased to announce the release of two new books, The Thinking Person’s Guide to Climate Change by Dr. Robert Henson and Father Benito Viñes by Luis E. Ramos Guadalupe, now on sale at the AMS Bookstore.

The AMS Education Program presents Our Changing Climate: Introduction to Climate Science a new, undergraduate-level etextbook by Dr. Chad Kauffman. Part of the AMS Climate Studies course system, it has lots of dynamic features and includes the latest information in climate science. It is now available for purchase at the AMS Bookstore.

AMS has created a new online resource called AMS Insights. AMS Insights are viewpoints that connect AMS Statements with current news and world events in weather, water, and climate. Check out our first Insight on drought.

The 2013 State of the Climate is now available. Each year, AMS and NOAA publish this special supplement to BAMS as an annual "checkup" on global climate. On 29 September BAMS will release another supplement, "Explaining Extreme Events of 2013 from a Climate Perspective," which presents assessments of how climate change may have affected the strength and likelihood of individual extreme events.

AMS continues to strengthen its European presence; we will host a booth at the European Meteorological Society (EMS)/European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC) Annual Meeting in Prague (6–10 October). AMS President Bill Gail will give a welcome address.

Voting for the 2015 AMS President-Elect and Council is now available to all AMS voting members. We value and appreciate your vote. The deadline to vote is 4 November.

Upcoming Dates:

 9 Sep
Preregistration and hotel reservation deadline for the AMS 27th Conference on Severe Local Storms (3–7 November 2014, Madison, WI)—the program is now available online.
 17 Sep
AMS Executive Committee and Commissioners’ Meeting (Boston, MA).
 16–17 Sep
 18 Sep
 18–19 Sep
AMS Council Meeting (Boston, MA).
 1 Oct
 1 Oct
 3 Oct
Deadline to apply as a Student Assistant for the 2015 Annual Meeting.

Did You Know?

AMS members receive FREE domestic ground shipping on books purchased at the AMS Bookstore online.

The AMS Education Program recently hosted forty four K–12 teachers at Project Atmosphere and The Maury Project, where educators spend two weeks learning about atmospheric science and oceanography. On returning home, they serve as community leaders in science education.

It is easy to find an AMS Local Chapter in your area by searching our online Chapter Directory!

The average production time for AMS journal articles in July was under 100 days! Follow the AMS Publication Commission’s path to this goal in "Faster, Cheaper, and More Nimble: Improvements and Innovations in Publishing AMS Journals" by R. Rauber and K. Heideman, available online and forthcoming in the October issue of the Bulletin.

AMS strongly encourages student participation at the Annual Meeting. Details on programs that provide partial travel support to students for the 95th AMS Annual Meeting are available online.

AMS is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2015 Scholarship and Fellowship Programs.

For 22 years, the AMS/Industry Minority Scholarship Program has supported college education for minorities underrepresented in the sciences. Help spread the word to schools in your area; get information or apply online.

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